Number of Members
Number of Employees
800 +
Ongoing Projects
24 +
Completed Projects
420 +
According to KTEMB Law No. 51/2006;
(1) Organizations owned or managed by persons or persons who are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for at least one year and operate in electrical businesses and exceed any of the following conditions, may apply to the Administration with their tax registration numbers. They can become members of the union by the decision of the board. Those who are not members of the union cannot practice this profession.
(A) North Engineers registered with the Chamber of Electrical Engineers in accordance with the laws of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus;
(B) Vocational higher technical school, vocational high schools, practical Having a diploma from an art school or equivalent foreign technical school and opened by the Chamber of Electrical Engineers Those who have passed the exams and worked for at least two years for a contractor who is a member of the association and has an electrical contractor authorization certificate; and
(C) Those who have completed their basic education, gained at least five years of experience as a foreman in electrical works, and have taken the electrical contractor authorization certificate exams and have a certificate of authorization.
(2) Definitions regarding persons who can become members are provided in the Table below attached to this Law.
Having completed at least basic education, working for an electrical contractor and not having completed three years yet, and not having taken the Chamber of Electrical Engineers authorization certificate exam.
Having taken and passed the electrical contractor authorization certificate exams opened by the Chamber of Electrical Engineers.
Graduating from the electrical department of a two or three-year college above high school. In order for technicians to be considered professional as electrical contractors, they must take and pass the contracting authorization certificate exams opened by the Chamber of Electrical Engineers.
Technicians are divided into the categories stated below.
III: Class Technician:
Having a 15KVA authorization certificate.
Having a 30KVA authorization certificate.
I.Class Technician:
Having an authorization certificate of 50 KVA and above.
It refers to professional people who make their living by dealing with electrical work. In order for these people to be considered professionals, they must register their workplaces with the Registrar of Companies and/or the Revenue and Tax Office.
Electrical Contractors fall into the following categories:
IV: Class Contractor:
At least III. Those who are Class Technicians and employ at least one Wireman:
Class III Contractor:
At least II. Those who are Class III Technicians, employ at least one Class III Technician, two Wiremen and have one work vehicle;
At least a Class I Technician and two III. Class Technician, those who employ four Wiremen, have three work vehicles and a workplace larger than 75 m2 in total;
He is an electrical engineer who has completed two years in the profession and has at least two III. Employing a Class Technician, two Fullwiremen, three Wiremen, three work vehicles and a total of 150m2 Class I Electrical Technicians who own large workplaces and have completed five years in the profession as a professional can also become Class I Contractors, provided that they include an Electrical Engineer in their staff and comply with other conditions.
A total of 5000 m2 at a time, which has completed five years on the market before the date of entry into force of this Law.He carried out the electrical works of various buildings and facilities larger than II. Having completed seven years with Class III Technicians. Class I Technicians can become Class I Contractors by completing their positions and creating workplace conditions with the above-mentioned features.
Those who have an indirect relationship with the electricity sector and/or have the structure to perform this profession as a subsidiary of large enterprises are evaluated within the scope of Class I, provided that they have the above-mentioned characteristics.
Natural and/or legal entities that meet the criteria required to become a member of the Union must apply to KTEMB to request a Preliminary Eligibility Certificate along with the necessary documents in order to register personnel for their businesses with the Social Insurance Department. Even if applications are to be made online, original documents must be delivered to the Union offices.
To ensure cooperation and solidarity between employers working as contractors in the electrical sector, to protect and represent their common economic, social and cultural interests, and to make every effort and initiative to ensure that members have efficient and harmonious working opportunities.
Who want to do electrical work in TRNC are required to be members of KTEMB. Persons who are not members of the Union do not have the authority to submit their work to Kıb-Tek control. Such situations cause employers to suffer.